
Gmail Band – Wieden+Kennedy Portland

Buddy Chase and his Welcome-to-Gmail-Singers travel the country to welcome newly-minted Gmailers with a celebratory serenade. Their musical induction is captured on video and posted on Buddy’s website the same day. Buddy and the band specialize in surprising people in the most unexpected ways possible. Because the band cannot sing to everyone, every new Gmailer receives a video of the band singing into the camera. Additionally, the band records hundreds of custom videos, which are posted on YouTube and sent to the bright-eyed new Gmailer. The band sings over 25 songs, not including 30 different foreign language versions.

The Invitation Song

Gmail Apple Pie

Country Gmail

Hip-Hop Gmail

Meet the band

Welcome Home

Good Morning, Gmailer

Welcome, Pizza Guy

Welcome, Tattoo Guy

Welcome, Carl

Gmail “Transitional Moments” – Wieden+Kennedy Portland

There was also a second Gmail campaign. It began with the insight that people often get a new email address when they go through a transition (new job, divorce, etc.) and ended with a series of web animations by David Shrigley.